Provision of Care

The individual's agreed personal plan shall provide the basis on which Springfield's care and support service is delivered.


Each individual's plan includes a description of their preferred daily routines, their likes and dislikes in relation to food and any specific dietary requirements etc. It includes information about educational, occupational and employment potential and steps being taken to achieve this. Individuals are encouraged and enabled to take advantage of educational and employment services provided including special schemes for people with learning disabilities.


The plan also includes details of individual's social interests and activities; how these are met; any arrangements to attend religious services of their choice, and for contact with relatives, friends and representatives.


The daily care programme is organised as a response to individual and combined needs. All mealtimes are flexible, which is necessary as individuals can spend a lot of time outside in education or employment, or in occupational activities.

Environmental Health

Under The Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2006 and The Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act & Regulations 2013, Springfield Residential Home has achieved the highest overall hygiene rating of 5.

In order to visit us

Springfield Residential Home

Springfield House
Gwerthonor Road



CF81 8JR

For any questions or queries?

01443 833600

Alternatively, you can use our contact form.

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